Privacy Policy
Your privacy is very important to us. NeverGuess Rangefinders, Inc. respects your concerns about maintaining strict privacy. Any information that you divulge to us is kept in confidence.
We do not collect personally identifiable information on our web site or otherwise unless you choose to give it to us via an electronic mail message, a phone call, or by postal mail. Even when you choose to give us information, we keep it confidential.
We do not sell, rent, share, or otherwise disclose mailing lists or other personally identifiable information. We maintain some records of individuals who contact us in case we contact you later or provide further information to you in the future. However, we do not provide this information to anyone else unless you give us your permission. We do not maintain an e-mail mailing list; you will never receive unsolicited promotional e-mail from NeverGuess Rangefinders.
On occasion we are asked by the media or legislative staff to provide names of individuals who have experienced particular privacy abuses. We do not share such names or other identifying information unless you specifically authorize us to do so.
We do not enable "cookies" on our web site. The server of our Internet Service Provider collects information about the date and time in which our web site was accessed and the Internet address of the web site from which you linked to our site. We have the ability to access this information, but have chosen not to avail ourselves of this data for the time being. If we decide to use this information to analyze web traffic in the future, we will only be able to measure the number of visitors to our site and the addresses of the web sites from which our visitors come. E-mail addresses and other personally identifiable information are not available to us.
If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please feel free to contact us at our e-mail address.